Fast Track Physio

1-on-1 Physical Therapy with a Physio Therapy expert in Chicago

Revitalize Your Body with Our Expert Physical Therapy

Rediscover the joy of a body in harmony with our expert physio services in Chicago, IL. Our physio clinic offers personalized, practical, and innovative physio services to help your body find achieve optimum performance . Book your initial consultation by contacting us at (312) 825-4782.


Hands-on care is essential to expedite healing and optimize movement. The latest evidence-based research indicates that manual therapy is a crucial component necessary to overcome injuries.

Neuromuscular Re-Education

No matter how much manual therapy you receive, it will only be so beneficial unless you engage your central and peripheral nervous systems in learning new and efficient moving methods!

Myofascial Release (MFR) and Soft Tissue Mobilization (STM)

If tissue restrictions are present around fascia and muscle, bones, muscles, joints, and other body parts won't function as they should. Manual techniques such as IASTM, percussion massage guns, and vibrating foam rollers to alleviate these restrictions and enhance body movement.

Sport Specific Training

Every sport has its distinct movement patterns. To optimize these sport-specific moves, break down the more significant force production phase movements into smaller sub-movements and exercises; this will improve everything from enhancing the force production phase to controlling eccentric braking.

Joint Mobilization

The skilled hands-on techniques of our experienced practitioners are used to free up joints and body parts that aren't moving correctly or are "stuck." Both spinal joints and peripheral body joints are treated with mobilization/manipulation.

Self-Management Program

It's crucial to continue independently to get the most out of your physiotherapy efforts. A personalized home exercise program with videos, portal access, and immediate feedback will help maximize your progress.

Trigger point dry needling

Are you struggling with persistent muscle pain or chronic musculoskeletal issues that just won't go away? Trigger Point Dry Needling might be the solution you've been looking for. Fast Track Physio is proud to offer this advanced and highly effective therapy that can help you get back on track to a pain-free and active life.

What is trigger point dry needling and how does it work?

Trigger Point Dry Needling is a therapeutic technique that targets and treats myofascial trigger points, which are tight knots in muscles that can cause pain, restrict movement, and contribute to various musculoskeletal issues. Unlike traditional acupuncture, dry needling is grounded in Western medicine principles and is used specifically for pain relief and rehabilitation.

During a dry needling session, a skilled and trained physiotherapist will use thin, sterile needles to penetrate the skin and stimulate trigger points within the muscle. The precise insertion of the needle causes a twitch response, which helps release muscle tension and improve blood flow to the affected area. This process relaxes the muscle and can lead to a reduction in pain and an increase in mobility.

The Benefits of Trigger Point Dry Needling

  • Pain Relief: Alleviates muscle pain and discomfort.
  • Improved Mobility: Increases range of motion.
  • Faster Recovery: Speeds up rehabilitation after injuries.
  • Minimally Invasive: Requires no medications or surgery.
  • Complements Other Therapies: Often used alongside physical therapy for maximum benefits.
  • Non-Addictive: Offers an alternative to pain medications for pain management.

Ready to experience the benefits of expert physio services? Schedule an appointment today! Call Fast Track Physio at 312-825-4782 and initiate your journey towards a healthier, pain-free existence.

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